Bandage Making 13th July 2022

New Forest for Ukraine was on featured on Countryfile on Sunday 10th July and bandages was highlighted as something that is sadly much needed.

So it has been lovely to see so many Brockenhurst WI members stepping up to help with bandage making.

10 people gathered at Julie’s house to make bandages this session and the priority was making triangular bandages that go in trauma packs that are sent to Ukraine.

Unfortunately, I forgot to take photos of our workforce (apologies), but with great teamwork around 80 triangular bandages were made! One metre squares and cut and then halved to make 2 triangular bandages, which then need folding.

Off-cuts are torn into strips of either 10, 15 or 20cm, depending on their size and then sew together into strips that are then cut to length and rolled into rolled bandages. Approximately 30 were made today.

Then following on from Monday’s meeting’s ‘bandage making kits’ and also members getting together for the cause, these rolled bandages have been completed:

In addition, Mel has been doing so additional work for New Forest for Ukraine and has made 28 triangle tourniquets and 93 tourniquet ties.

There will be another bandage making session at Julie’s house on Wednesday 20th July at 10am. If you would like to come and join in, please contact us and we will give you more details.

A BIG thank you to each and every person who is helping with this. Special thanks go to Christine K and Janet for doing some ironing in this hot weather! Every task helps us to work effectively and productively and produce these much needed resources.

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