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Walking Netball

Get your giggle on! Keeping fit isn’t a chore when you have lots of laughs whilst exercising.

Walking netball, as the name implies, is netball, but at walking pace; a slower version of the game most women played in school. This makes it ideal for everyone, regardless of age or fitness level. The rules of the game are changed slightly to accommodate walking:How to play walking netball

  • a player must have part of one foot on the court at all times (ie. walking, no running)
  • a player may take two steps after receiving the ball before throwing or shooting
  • a player may hold the ball for up to 4 seconds before throwing or shooting

Brockenhurst WI has joined this initiative to help encourage our WI members to stay active and take part in a team sport which is fun, sociable, and rewarding, while reducing loneliness and isolation.

Find out more about this WI initiative with England Netball.

We play once a week, on a Wednesday evening, at either Brockenhurst College or the MUGA. Contact Sue Garrod if you’d like to get your giggle on.