
Brockenhurst WI is a thriving group with over 60 members of all ages! New members are always welcome but if you would prefer to find out more about us before joining, please do come along, free of charge, to one of our regular monthly meetings.

Meetings are held on the second Monday of each month in the Exhibition Room on the 1st floor of Brockenhurst Village Hall starting at 19.30. Members tend to start arriving at about 19.00. Access to the room is via a staircase or lift for anyone who struggles with steps.

The format of each meeting is fairly simple starting with Jerusalem and WI business, followed by a visiting speaker, and ending with refreshments. There is nearly always a raffle, a ‘Bring and Buy’ stall and a competition of some sort.

Throughout the year, we organise outings to the theatre, local places of interest, organised and informative walks, lunches in local hostelries and meetings organised by the wider WI Federation. A general knowledge Quiz takes place annually in which we pit our wits against teams from other local WI groups with winners going forward to other stages of the tournament.

If you are into crafts, there is a satellite group which meets regularly on Wednesday afternoons in members’ homes. Sporty types may be interested in our Walking Netball, Skittles and Darts teams. Or you might just like to join us for lunch!