June Activities 2024

We started June with our stand at the Brockenhurst village D-Day celebrations, which you can read about here.

Our Monthly Meeting  is on Monday 10th June 2024 with speaker Gavin Blackman, talking about “Hypnotherapy & Wellbeing”. This will be held at Brockenhurst Village Hall (upstairs)– arrival from 7pm for a 7.30pm start.

The competition of the month in aid of ACWW will be a flower. So please bring a single bloom in a vase for our competition table. Members vote using a silver coin for their favourite flower. The flower with the most coins is the winner. The money is sent to our charity ACWW.

We will also be having a plant and seed sale, so please bring any excess seedlings, plants or seeds. Proceeds will go to ACWW.

There will also be a raffle.

Entries for the New Forest Show need to be in by 16th June, so please sign up and pay Evelyn your £1 per entry at Monday’s meeting or before 16th June. See the schedule here.

We have a Croquet Evening on Wednesday 5th June 2024 Croquet Evening in Lymington at Woodside Park. There are a couple of spaces if you would like to attend. Please contact us for further information.

The Craft Group have sessions on Friday 7th and Friday 21st June from 2pm-4pm. Please contact us for more information, to book a place and for the location.

Our Lunch Club will be on Thursday 20th June and it will be held at the Turfcutters Arms in East Boldre. Please sign up at the meeting on Monday, or see Christine if you have any questions. Or contact us for more information or to book a place.

Our Walk and Meet-Up will be on Monday 20th June and will be an evening walk. This will start from Beechern Wood car park off the Rhinefield Road at 6.30pm. Please sign up at the meeting on Monday, or see Julie if you have any questions. Or contact us for more information or to book a place.

The Darts team continue to practice most Thursdays at 11am at the Foresters Arms, Brookley Road, Brockenhurst. All are welcome to join in. Please contact us for more details.

Rita is continuing with Bandage Making for Ukraine on Wednesday mornings from 10-12 noon at Rita’s house. All welcome to come along and help. Rita also welcomes help from those who can’t attend the bandage making sessions, but can help in their own homes. Rita is especially in need of people with sewing machines to do some simple machine sewing.Please contact us for more details and location or speak to Rita at Monday’s meeting.

On Saturday 15th June, Hampshire WI are running a Pasta Masterclass – Demonstration and Tasting from 10am-12.30pm  £20 per person. Book on Eventbrite.

On 26th June we have the Group Quiz at Sway Village Hall. 7pm for 7.30pm start.

Forthcoming Events

Please also see our diary dates page for more events, including events organised by Hampshire WI.

Thursday 4th July 10 am – 4pm, at WI House, Eastleigh Willow Craft Workshop – Make a Butterfly £60 per person includes all materials, tea/coffee and cake. Click here book.

Monday 8th July 2024 Monthly Meeting with speaker Kevin Fowler -“The Race to Scotland -an adventure” at Brockenhurst Village Hall – arrival from 7pm for a 7.30pm start.

30th July – 1st August 2024 New Forest Show New Park Show Ground, Brockenhurst. What will you enter? See the schedule here.

Please contact us if you have any questions.

We look forward to seeing you.

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