Brockenhurst Celebrates D-Day 2024

Brockenhurst village put on events to celebrate the 80th Anniversary of D-Day on 1st June 2024.

Our members, Issy and Di, worked hard helping to decorate one of the shop fronts in advance of the event.

There were events in Brookley Road and the surrounding area on Saturday morning.

In the afternoon, Brockenhurst WI took part in the Brockenhurst village 80th anniversary D-Day celebrations at Brockenhurst Football Club.

Our stand showcased the important role of women in World War II, with displays of information, photographs and artefacts. We even made 1940’s aprons and headscarves for our helpers to wear.

Our display showed how women ‘kept the home fires burning’ by ‘Digging for Victory,’ growing fruit and vegetables at home and the role some local women played in this and other ways of producing food. Our display also included ‘Make do and Mend’.

The display also showed that women were in the Land Army and worked as Lumberjills in the Timber Corps, including the experiences of 3 members of family of one of our WI member, Maureen.

We also showcased the role that Brockenhurst WI played, helping with evacuation, the part they played in the Hampshire County Pie Scheme thought out by the late Lord Woolton,  which became known as the Rural Pie Scheme. Our archives show that there was still money in a bank account from this in the early 1980’s!

We also had information about the Brockenhurst WI’s Fruit Preserving Centre, run by a committee comprised of WI members Miss Botting, Mrs Coundley, Mrs Cremer, Mrs Dorey, Mrs Dunlop, Miss Featherstone (chief helper), Mrs Holt, Mrs Horlock (chief jam maker), Mrs Martin, Mrs May and Mrs White.

We also looked at food canning and the memories of our WI member Pam McKinlay who remembers joining with other local WI’s with her mother, recalling canning beetroot and that it was hard work!

We also displayed a items for in our archives, including a hand written recipe for an ‘Austerity Wedding Cake’ and ‘A Song About the W.I. Jam Scheme’ (written in World War II.)

We had a colouring competition for children to colour in bunting which we hung on the stall. Prizes were awarded to the winners.

We also gave out Bread Pudding, made by Liz to a war time recipe.

Rita and Jan demonstrated bandage making, which Brockenhurst WI do which are sent to Ukraine.

It was a real honour to remember the role that women, including our former and current members, undertook as part of the WWII war effort.

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